
Privacy Protection Policy Personal Data Collection Statement

Privacy Protection Policy
for Taipei Fashion Week SS25

  • The personal data you provide to Taipei Fashion Week SS25 will be collected, processed, and utilized by Taipei Fashion Week SS25in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of China. Without your consent, we will not disclose your name, address, email address, or any other legally protected personal information to any third party outside of Taipei Fashion Week SS25 or its related business partners (hereinafter referred to as "Taipei Fashion Week SS25's related business partners").
  • To participate in the marketing, market analysis, statistics, or research of this site, or to provide members with personalized or value-added services, you agree that our company and our related business partners may record, save, and utilize the data and records you have left or generated in this unit. We may also provide your data and records to our related business partners and publicly disclose or use statistical data without revealing individual data.
  • The Taipei Fashion Week SS25website records users' IP addresses and browsing activities within the website. These data are only used internally by Taipei Fashion Week SS25and its related business partners for aggregate analysis of website traffic and online behavior, which helps improve the quality of website services and does not involve the personal identity information of users.
  • Taipei Fashion Week SS25 shall not use personal data for purposes other than the specified purposes unless one of the following conditions is met: (1) as required by law; (2) to enhance public interest; (3) to prevent danger to the life, body, freedom, or property of the data subject; (4) to prevent major harm to the rights and interests of others; (5) with the written consent of the data subject.
  • To facilitate users' browsing and operation, Taipei Fashion Week SS25 may use cookie technology or other similar technologies to provide services more suitable for users' personal needs. Cookies are a technology used by web servers to communicate with users' browsers, and they may store certain information on users' computers. Users can cancel or restrict this function through browser settings. Instructions on how to set your browser to accept or reject cookies can be found in your browser's help section. If you choose to reject cookies, you will not be able to use some services of Taipei Fashion Week SS25. The web server can only read the activity records of readers within Taipei Fashion Week SS25, not activities on other websites.
  • Taipei Fashion Week SS25's related websites or apps may contain links to other websites or web pages. The content or privacy policies of these sites or pages not belonging to Taipei Fashion Week SS25are not related to Taipei Fashion Week SS25.
  • Taipei Fashion Week SS25 respects the rights and interests of the parties when collecting, processing, and utilizing personal data, and does so in an honest and trustworthy manner. Personal data is minimized in processing and utilization within the scope of the specified purposes.
  • If users have any questions about this policy or other matters related to personal data, they can contact the Taipei Fashion Week SS25 customer service mailbox, and we will provide the most complete explanation.
  • If you are a resident of the EU, these countries may not have comprehensive data protection or other laws as your home country. However, we will take all necessary measures to protect your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable laws. Taipei Fashion Week SS25 will amend this policy as needed based on changes in social environment, technology, or legal requirements, to implement the intention of protecting your personal data and privacy rights. When we complete the amendments to this policy, it will be immediately posted on the Taipei Fashion Week SS25 website. Please check it frequently to stay informed.
  • 您於臺北時裝週所留存的個人資料,係由臺北時裝週蒐集、處理、利用,並遵守中華民國「電腦處理個人資料保護法」之規範,在未獲得您的同意以前,絕不對臺北時裝週或相關業務合作夥伴(以下稱臺北時裝週相關業務合作夥伴)以外的第三人任意揭露您的姓名、地址、電子郵件地址及其他依法受保護的個人資料。
  • 為參與本站服務行銷、市場分析、統計或研究、或為提供會員個人化服務或加值服務之目的, 您同意本公司及本公司相關業務夥伴,得記錄、保存及利用您在本單位所留存或產生的資料及記錄,並得將您的資料及記錄提供予相關業務夥伴,同時在不揭露各該資料的情形下,得公開或使用統計資料。 
  • 臺北時裝週網站會記錄使用者上站的 IP 位址、及在網站內瀏覽活動等資料,但這些資料僅供臺北時裝週及臺北時裝週相關業務夥伴內部作網站流量和網路行為調查的總量分析,利於提升網站的服務品質,不涉及使用者個人身分資料。 
  • 除符合下列情形之一,臺北時裝週不得將個人資料進行前述特定目的外之利用: (1)法律明文規定; (2)為增進公共利益; (3)為免除當事人之生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險; (4)為防止他人權益之重大危害; (5)經當事人書面同意。 
  • 為了便利使用者的網頁瀏覽及操作,臺北時裝週可能使用 cookie 技術或其他類似技術,以提供更適合使用者個人需要的服務。cookie 是網站伺服器用來和使用者瀏覽器進行溝通的一種技術,它可能在使用者的電腦中儲存某些資訊。使用者可以經由瀏覽器的設定,取消或限制此項功能。在您的瀏覽器操作說明中可瞭解如何設定接受或拒絕 cookies,如果您選擇拒絕,您將無法使用臺北時裝週部分服務項目。網站伺服器僅能讀取讀者 cookie 中在臺北時裝週的活動記錄,無法讀取讀者在其他網站的活動記錄。 
  • 臺北時裝週相關網站或APP可能包含其他網站或網頁的連結。對於此等不屬於臺北時裝週的網站或網頁,其內容或隱私權政策,均與臺北時裝週無關。 
  • 臺北時裝週於個人資料於蒐集、處理及利用時,皆尊重當事人之權益,依誠實及信用方法為之, 且在被規範之特定目的範圍內,最小化處理及利用個人資料。 
  • 使用者若對於本政策,或與個人資料有關的其他事項,可與臺北時裝週客服信箱聯絡,我們將會提供最完整的說明
  • 如果您是歐盟區的居民,則這些國家可能沒有像您所在國家那樣全面的數據保護或其他法律。 但是,我們將根據本隱私政策和適用法律採取一切必要措施保護您的個人信息。
  • 臺北時裝週將會視社會環境與科技變化或法令異動,隨時修改本政策,以落實保障您個人資料及隱私權的立意。當我們完成本政策條款修改時,將立即刊登於臺北時裝週網站上,請您隨時注意前往點選詳閱。

Personal Data Collection Statement
for Taipei Fashion Week SS25

Interculture Total Media Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we") will collect, process, and use your personal data to execute the "Taipei Fashion Week SS25" commissioned by the Ministry of Culture. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the "PDPA"), we inform you of the following:

Purpose of Collection: We collect, process, and use your personal data for the purposes of "Category 69 - Contract, quasi-contract, or other legal relationship matters" and "Category 172 - Other public sectors (including administrative legal persons, government-funded foundations, and other public legal persons) performing relevant businesses" as specified in the "Specific Purposes and Types of Personal Data of the PDPA."

Categories of Data: Name, date of birth, contact information (email), and other data that can directly or indirectly identify the individual.

Duration of Use: From 2018, within the necessary scope of the aforementioned purposes, and until the purposes of collection no longer exist. Upon the completion of the aforementioned purposes, the data will be transferred to the Ministry of Culture's database for storage.

Regions of Use: Worldwide.

Entities of Use: Interculture Total Media Service Co., Ltd. and the Ministry of Culture Taiwan (R.O.C.).

Rights of the Data Subject: According to Article 3 of the PDPA, you may exercise the following rights regarding your personal data. To exercise these rights, please contact our hotline at +886-2-2732-8899, or email

  • To inquire or request access
  • To inquire or request access
  • To request a supplement or correction
  • To request the cessation of collection, processing, or use
  • To request deletion
Impact of Not Providing Personal Data:

If you do not provide accurate information or refuse to provide personal data, we will not be able to provide you with the related services of this project. When we entrust other units to process your personal data due to business needs, we will fulfill our duty of supervision.

You understand that this consent form complies with the PDPA and relevant regulations, and agree that we retain this consent form for verification purposes. Upon completion of your registration, you are deemed to have agreed to the collection, processing, and use of your personal data by us and the Ministry of Culture.
樺舍全媒體整合股份有限公司(以下簡稱本司)為執行文化部委辦「SS25臺北時裝週(TaipeiFashionWeek SS25)」(下稱「本活動」),將蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料,謹依據個人資料保護法(以下簡稱個資法)告知下列事項:

蒐集目的:本司依「個資法之特定目的及個人資料之類別」內「第69類-契約、類似契約或其他法律關係事 務」與「第172類-其他公共部門(包括行政法人、政府捐助財團法人及其他公法人)執行相關業務」之目的, 蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。 資料類別:自然人之姓名、出生年月日、聯絡方式(E-mail)、 其他得以直接或間接方式識別該個人之資料。




當事人權利:您可依個人資料保護法第3條規定,就您的個人資料進行以下 權利,如欲行使以下權利,請洽本司專線(02) 2732-8899 ,或來信

  • 查詢或請求閱覽
  • 請求製給複製本
  • 請求補充或更正
  • 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用
  • 請求刪除。



