Taiwan Type Super Swag Exhibition Business Matchmaking Select Shop


Taiwan Type Super Swag Exhibition 「臺Type超搖擺」展覽

We are all practicing a kind of super swing in this contemporary era. It stems from the development of diverse thinking on a personal level and the integration and support of diverse issues. With an unbounded spirit, we dive into creation, connecting communities through artistic endeavors, and attempting to "cross boundaries" to break through industry limitations. Through "collaboration," we pair or integrate the distinctive characteristics of brands and art in terms of visual mediums, swinging into a larger realm of creativity, attracting a broader audience. In this swinging momentum, we reveal the freedom and courage to pursue the desires and breakthroughs of a soul. We hope that through this greater exploration, we can stimulate outcomes that reflect both multimedia art exhibitions and ultimate sustainable ideals. "Even in the ever-changing codes of fashion, by swinging out various forms of lifestyle and fashion perspectives in everyday life, we deliver and manifest Taiwan's cultural uniqueness and significance on the global stage, forging the irreplaceable spirit of " Taiwan Type." Therefore, in the planning of this "Taiwan Type Super Swag" exhibition, we have invited IP artists, who are either internationally recognized or deeply rooted in local culture, to engage in cross-boundary collaborations and authorizations. Through their IP contexts, they manifest Taiwan's unique historical imprints, the distinctive species of the land, everyday street scenes, and generational perspectives on various issues. Through the co-creation and integration with fashion designers, they interpret and present a distinct "Taiwan Type Super Swag" that exclusively belongs to this land.

2024.10.17 2024.10.21
    10.17 Not open to the public by invitation.
    10.18 10.21 12:00-21:00 Free admission for the public.

SCCP Warehouse 3

我們都在這個當代實踐一種超搖擺。從個人發展出的多樣性思維,及多元化的議題融合與支持。用永不設限的精神投入創作,透過創作串連群體,嘗試「跨界」突破產業的界限,以「聯名」將品牌與藝術在媒材視覺上的各自特色搭襯或整合,擺盪出更大的創意範疇,吸引更廣泛的受眾,更在這樣的擺盪幅度中去顯現靈魂追求的自由度及突破之勇氣。期盼透過越大幅度的探索,激發出無論是多媒材的藝術展出或是終極理念具永續性的成果:「即便是在瞬息萬變的流行符碼下,在日常搖擺出各形式的生活風格與時尚觀點,經由編織梳理展現出臺灣文化在全球舞台上的獨特和重要性,打造出無可取代的臺Type精神。」 因此在本次「臺Type超搖擺」展覽策劃中,邀請受國際注目又或持續深耕在地的IP藝術家跨界授權及參與,透過他們的IP脈絡,呈現臺灣獨特的歷史印記、土地的物種特色、日常街頭景象及世代議題觀點,藉由當代服裝設計師的共創整合演繹,展現專屬這塊土地的Taiwan Type Super Swag。

2024.10.17 2024.10.21
    10.17 邀請制不對外開放
    10.18 10.21 12:00-21:00 民眾可自由入場

松山文創園區 3號倉

Business Matchmaking 服飾品國際買主採購洽談會

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Culture continue to support the Taiwan Textile Federation in organizing the Business Matchmaking Tradeshow Event alongside Taipei Fashion Week. Global buyers are invited to participate in B2B matchmaking events, tradeshows, runway shows, and brand VIP activities in Taipei. For the SS25 season, the TAIPEI IN STYLE Business Matchmaking Trade Show will showcase the Asia Fashion Collection international fashion project, Fukuoka designer brands, the renowned international brand Pierre Cardin, and 39 Taiwanese brands. These platforms aim to assist Taiwanese designers in promoting their work and increasing business opportunities within the international fashion supply chain and markets.

2024.10.17 2024.10.21
SCCP Warehouse 4

為協助臺灣服飾品業者發展並開拓國際市場商機,經濟部與文化部協力搭建國際交流互動商貿平台「TAIPEI IN STYLE」,規劃多元商貿B2B靜態展示、品牌VIP訂貨交流發布會等活動,鏈結臺灣服裝服飾設計品牌資料庫,同時邀請國際買家於臺北時裝週期間來台採購商洽,協助臺灣品牌邁向國際市場。本季活動更擴大邀請國際品牌來台交流,展出來自Asia Fashion Collection國際時尚計畫、日本福岡設計師品牌專區及法國知名國際品牌-pierre cardin,透過與國際時尚產業相互交流,激發臺灣品牌創意設計能量,強化產業商貿效益。

2024.10.17 2024.10.21
松山文創園區 4號倉

Select Shop 選品店


Taipei Fashion Week SS25 Teams Up with Breeze Xinyi to launch a new fashion select shop. Located on the 3rd floor of the department store, this shop brings together a wide array of Taiwanese trendy brands, showcasing everything from renowned international designers to emerging creators. The Taipei Fashion Week Select Shop offers the most comprehensive selection of local designs. In addition to chic designer clothing, the shop also features distinctive fashion accessories, with each item highlighting a unique style. With a diverse range of brands and a rich variety of products and design styles, there are even exclusive collaborations between designers and IP creators, infusing this fashion space with artistic elements. Whether you’re a trendsetter seeking fashionable pieces or a trend enthusiast enjoying innovative designs, this shop manages to deliver all your style expectations. Select shop will run for three months, from October 1 to December 31, 2024, with occasional brand day events. We sincerely invite you to come and experience it!

2024.10.1 2024.12.31
Breeze Xinyi 3F

「臺北時裝週 SS25」與微風信義攜手合作,盛大推出全新時尚選品店,坐落於 3F 的店面匯聚了眾多臺灣潮流品牌。從知名國際設計師到備受矚目的新銳創作,最齊全的在地設計都在臺北時裝週選品店。 這裡不僅有時髦的設計師服飾,還有特色流行配件,每件單品都展現出獨特風格。多元品牌進駐,豐富的商品類型與設計樣式,更有設計師與 IP 創作者的聯名商品,為這個時尚空間注入更多藝術元素。無論您是追求時髦單品的個性派、或是享受創新設計的潮流掛,這裡都能滿足您對不同風格的期待。 選品店活動為期三個月,自 2024 年 10 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日,還有不定期的品牌日活動,誠摯邀請您前來體驗!

2024.10.1 2024.12.31
微風信義 3F