About aw24

The topic of upcoming Taipei Fashion Week AW24, is closely related to the most major sport event this year- Paris summer Olympics; starting from April 25th to 29th. The Taiwanese Taekwondo national champion Yi-Ruei, Chiu and contemporary dancer Yu, Chang were featured in the key visual, wearing the Chinese Taipei delegation's entrance uniforms of the 2024 Paris Olympics, designed by Taiwanese designer- Justin Chou; as the first reveal of the uniform, it not only showcased the creativity and characteristic of Taiwanese craftsmanship, but also made a statement of the concept “Ready to wear, Ready to go” - with the powerful movement of two athletes and refined clothes.
Minister of Culture, Shih Che, stated that fashion is one of the important mediums for expressing cultural characteristics. Clothing serves not only as a tool for personal aesthetics but also as a medium for identity transformation. We show our personality and fashion attitude through our daily choice in how we style. In the moment of changing clothes, we step into different life scenarios and new characters.
Taipei Fashion Week AW24 is themed around the Cultural Olympiad, aiming not only to participate in the Olympic event through mediums such as fashion but also to bring sports fashion into daily life, showcasing Taiwan's vibrant and diverse cultural spirit.
The concept of the key visual is set as "Ready to wear, Ready to go," echoing the atmosphere of "ready to go" for the Fashion Week and delving into the symbolic meaning of clothing in "role transformation." The key visual applies a smear frame effect, interpreting the dynamic language of movement and the comfortability of fabrics, adding the “Chanhua” - a crafted embroidered brooch pairing with the robust bodyline of athletes; and the font design with 24 was inspired by the racetrack. Looking forward to the grand launch of Taipei Fashion Week and the summer Paris Olympics with tremendous energy vibrancy.
Starting from Taipei Fashion Week AW24, we aim to further enhance the presentation of industrial energy, aspiring to become a vital channel platform for Taiwanese brands with established commercial operations, market potential, and international expansion ambitions, it will gradually expand connections with other sectors of Taiwan fashion industry. Taipei Fashion Week will be another great event with high international awareness, aligning with the four major fashion weeks in Europe and the U.S, becoming the most expected fashion week in Asia.
This season brings many innovative arrangements which are different from the past. The opening show on April 25th will feature six groups of designers, inspired by the concept of Cultural Olympiad, infusing fashion with athleticism to present a fusion of strength and beauty. On April 26th, there will be the first public event - "L'Histoire et la Couture," inviting the public to experience the crossover charm of fashion and art culture together. Registration for the event opens on April 16th, during this period, there will also be a "Cultural Olympiad Fashion Exhibition" showcasing the various craftsmanship details of the Chinese Taipei delegation's entrance uniforms for the Paris Olympics. From April 26th to 28th, there will be eight fashion brand shows. Buyers and the public who are interested in purchasing branded clothing are welcomed to join at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park to try on new garments and get ready to go with us.
主視覺定調為「整裝・待發」(Ready to wear, Ready to go),以Ready呼應時裝週「蓄勢待發」的氛圍,也深入探討服裝對於「轉換角色」的象徵意義。主視覺畫面應用了殘影效果,演繹亦動亦靜的動能語言及衣服質料的舒適度,再加入纏花胸針的工藝設計與國手健壯的身體線條,並以賽道為靈感設計24字型,期待以活力姿態為接下來的臺北時裝週與夏季巴黎奧運揭開序幕。
本季許多別於以往的巧思安排,包含4月25日開幕秀將由6組設計師,以文化奧運為靈感,將時尚滲透運動,呈現力與美融合,品牌的設計服裝也將成為新一季可購買的商品;4月26日更首次規劃民眾專場「L'Histoire et la Couture」,邀請大眾一同感受時尚與藝術文化的跨界魅力,活動於4月16日起於官網開放報名;時裝週期間還有「文化奧運時尚展」,展現巴黎奧運中華臺北代表團進場服的各項工藝細節;4月26至28日更有8場品牌秀,想要選購訂購品牌服飾的買家及民眾,歡迎一同前往松山文創園區,一起換上新裝,整裝待發。